Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My BFP! June 7, 2006

I can't believe it!!!!!!!!!!! After 26 loooong months.....just over 2 years of ttc/infertility.....I finally got a BFP!!!!!!!!! I'm in complete and utter shock!

I have been feeling symptoms since 6 DPO....sore boobs, af like cramps, fatigue. I even had an aversion to veggie dip for a day. I KNEW something was up, but I took a test on 9 DPO and it was neg. Figured I was imagining the symptoms. I had been spotting for about 5 days, so I figured af was on her way. On 11 DPO my temp went up....which it NEVER does that far into my lp (I normally don't even have an lp that long) so I tested using Dollar Tree. Got a faint line. Tried FRER and got a definite BFP!!!! Woo hooo!!!! I called my OB and she had me come in for a blood hcg level on 11 DPO was 30!!! Very good so far!!! And just to be sure I'm not day dreaming...I took another Dollar Tree test today (14 DPO) and got a VERY definite BFP!!!!! I'm still in such shock!!! I never thought it would happen. I was just getting used to the idea of Ryan being the only child. Miracles really do happen.

I think God was just waiting for me to give it all up to Him. After clomid failed, I couldn't deal with it anymore. I gave up my journey to Him. I started to trust in Him fully and learn to live and be happy with my situation. I think God said "FINALLY!". Amazing things do happen when you believe!!! :D

I'm feeling good right now. Tired. I get worn out pretty quickly. I still have af like cramps...they come and go. They get worse when I'm active. Boobs aren't quite as sore.

My OB has put me on progesterone supplements due to previous m/c, and my LPD. I started those today. I won't even go into the issues I had with that. (well, maybe later).

I still can't believe it!! I'm so excited I could burst!!! I have been wanting this for so long.
26 months of ttc
20 months of charting
numerous dr appts
a Lap and HSG 3 months vitamin B6 numerous months of drinking green tea preseed OPK's
3 months of clomid
1 month clomid and progesterone
2 months of Vitex

Been a very long road. It all seems so surreal.

Please pray this baby sticks.

And go was a birthday conception, and a Valentine's baby!! I'm due on Valentine's Day! God's timing really is perfect!

Thanks to everyone who has stuck by me and supported me through this whole ordeal! I appreciate it!!!


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