Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 17, 2006

5 weeks June 14, 2006

Today I am 5 weeks pg. It's been a full week already since I took my first pg test that came up BFP. I remember calling Amber bright and early and practically screaming in her not-quite-awake-yet ear "I GOT A BFP!" I was 11 DPO and my hcg level was 30. I had been feeling so different during my 2ww....very different than any other month. I had been ttc for 26 months, charting for 20 months....I knew my body so well that I knew something was different. My bbs were so sore, I had af like cramping...but I had spotting for about 5 days. I didn't think it happened. I was spotting just way too much. I took a test on 9 DPO and it was BFN. I figured that was it....all done. Then my temp went up on 11 DPO....and my LP already was longer than normal (a normal LP of 9 or 10 days) I tested! Woo hoo! I was so shocked I ended up taking 4 tests that a blood test before I really believed it. And even then I took another test on 14 DPO just to be sure, and have been checking for af since!!! LOL I still have a hard time believing it really happened. All the heartache, all the pain, all the tears, the's all so worth it. Not that I EVER want to go through inferitlity again....but it was worth it. I learned so much, have met so many wonderful women, have helped so many people, and have found my faith and trust in God. It's totally all HIM!

So I'm feeling really good. My sore bbs have gone away...but they are still sensitive, and feel full. I haven't noticed them being any bigger (boo hoo), but they are more full and more "spongy" LOL. I still have af like cramps....mainly on the right side. It gets worse when I'm active. It's generally my cue to sit down and rest. I'm HUNGRY all the time!! and thirsty! I had my first craving yesterday....Mcd's vanilla milk shake. I resisted the urge though. LOL I've also been really thirsty. And I should set up tent in the bathroom.....because I have to pee CONSTANTLY!!!And it looks like fatigue has set it....I could barely get up this morning. But I'm loving every minute of this!More to come!! Join me as I continue on this journey!!


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