Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Saturday, June 17, 2006

My betas

So I got my numbers back today!

Just a refresher: 11 DPO (the day I first got a BFP) my hcg was 30.18 DPO my hcg is.......773!!! That's a doubling time of 35.8 hours!!!!! Crikey!!! LOL I'm completely amazed at how fast it's growing!!!! Grow bean grow!!

So she wants me to go in for yet another beta next week Wed. They are really taking precautions....which makes me feel REALLY good. I'm so glad they are following me closely this time around. Otherwise I'd be a basketcase! It's hard enough not to worry. Pregnancy is totally different after you've had a m/c. It's hard to just relax and enjoy it...but so far I have no reason to not enjoy it! Once my numbers get above 2000 (which should be next week) we will schedule an u/s!!! I should be having an u/s around 8 weeks or so. (maybe even earlier if I can swing it LOL). This u/s will be to check to see if there is one or more in there (yikes!), check viablility and hb. Oh pray that there is a heartbeat this time!!

I'm still feeling good. Not as hungry anymore. My stomach rumbles, but when I think about food I really don't want to eat. I'm not sick or nautious..just don't feel like eating. I'm also tired. Though I'm not as tired today as I was yesterday.I'm holding back from getting excited...I don't want to think names or nursery or anything permanant yet until I have the u/s....just for my own sanity. Last time I got so attached...had names picked and the nursery picked out and planned the shower and then lost the baby at 9 weeks. I'm trying to save my sanity...just in case. All is good so far...and I feel better now knowing my numbers are doubling!! Stick baby stick!!!!


Blogger Cindy said...

Can't wait to see those u/s pics!

6/20/2006 9:33 AM  

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