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Monday, June 19, 2006

Told my family and other things...

I told the rest of my family on Father's Day. I did the same thing I did with my parents....had Ryan wear the "I'm a Big brother" shirt and see how long it took them to get it. It didn't take them long LOL. My brother caught on pretty quickly. Everyone congratulated me and were all excited, shocked, and happy. My SIL said she couldn't wait for the baby to be here now. She reminded me of Ryan. LOL

My brothers are already talking names. It's rather frightening..but that's ok. I'll let them be excited for I'm still nervous as all get out. Until I see that h/b I'm taking it one day at a time. I don't even want to think about names or anything until I know for sure this is a keeper.

On another note...nausea has now hit! And honestly, I couldn't be happier!!! LOL I started feeling it a little bit yesterday, but I ate something and I was fine.Today it hit me after lunch....and I just am not feeling all that great. But it makes me feel good since I know things must be going well!! LOL


Blogger Cindy said...

Yay for feeling sick :)

6/20/2006 9:34 AM  

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