Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

6 weeks

Today I am 6 weeks. Halfway through the first trimester. I went in this morning for another beta test and will get the results tomorrow.

I had a bleeding/spotting scare yesterday, but has since stopped and nothing today (minor little spotting as I'm TP stalking). All is looking good so far.

I still have all those now having some cravings. I have been craving McD's Vanilla shake. I also have been craving Laffy Taffys! I am still hungry all the time...and when I don't eat I get nautious. But when I do eat...I can only eat very little before I get full.

I weighed in today..I lost a pound and a half since last week. I'm a pound lighter than I was when I first found out I was pg! LOL

Still not showing yet..but I got plenty of time for that. haha


Blogger Cindy said...

Sounds like all is going well. Can't wait to hear your new beta number.

6/22/2006 2:34 PM  

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