Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

24 week appt

I had my appt yesterday. I met with a different dr since mine was on vacation. She was really nice. I made sure to tell her I want an epidural in case she happened to be on call during my delivery, and she laughed and said she fully believes in epidurals! yay!

My weight is good, blood pressure good. Baby's heartbeat was 144, and he was moving around a lot...even kicked the doppler! I have a little bit of protein in my urine, but said it's not a concern. I'm measuring 22 weeks right now. I need to get another u/s (a regular one this time) to check growth.

But all in all it's good. No problems or issues. My next appt is the Monday after Thanksgiving. I will have my Rhogham shot then, along with the 1 hour glucose test. fun fun. LOL

Things are progressing well!


Blogger Cindy said...

Wonderful. I can't wait to see the next belly pic!`

10/28/2006 9:48 PM  

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