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Wednesday, September 27, 2006

My dr. appt today

I saw my dr today and she is referring me to a high risk perintologist for a more advanced u/s. The u/s I had done earlier this week showed previa but they couldn't tell what degree or where it was attached. When I had a full bladder it was just a marginal previa, but when I had an empty bladder it was a complete previa. So I will be having an u/s and consultation with a high risk dr. I'm still seeing my regular OB for now...unless they find something and the high risk decides I'm better off with him.

My dr is also semi- concerned because I'm measuring so much smaller than what I should be. According to my LMP I'm due 2-14, but the first u/s (the one which I think was most was right on with my O date) it's 2-18, where this last u/s is 2-24. She thinks it's possible that I may just be having a small baby, as I'm prone to them (Ryan was really small too). But she said the difference could indicate a problem and wants to check it out.

So my appt with the high risk is Tuesday. At least I get another u/s and can confirm gender!


Blogger Cindy said...

Wow, that's a lot to take in. I hope everything is ok. Please update us with what the other ob says.

9/27/2006 5:02 PM  

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