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Wednesday, October 04, 2006

My appt with the peri

My u/s went great! It wasn't 3D like I had hoped, but it was a more advanced 2D u/s. I was able to see the 4 chambers of the heart and valves and everything. Pretty amazing. Baby was moving around quite a bit too! Anyway, I had the tech confirm if it was boy or girl....definitely BOY! got a good money shot this time and no doubt about it being a boy! LOL Also the dr said that there is NO previa!!!! So it either moved in the past week or it was a false positive last week. Yay!!

And as far as the baby's size...he measured only 8 days behind this time, and the peri said that it falls in the normal side of small. Nothing to really worry about. I'm most likely going to have a small baby...he's guessing around 5 and half pounds. Right now I still have the ban on sex....until my OB gets the results and tells me otherwise. I won't be going back to a peri unless otherwise specififed...since all looks good and healthy!! yay!!! Praise God!!! I feel so relieved that all looks good!!!


Blogger Cindy said...

Oh, what a relief! That's wonderful!

10/04/2006 4:35 PM  

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