Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

21 weeks

This week went really fast! Of course, part of that is because I've been really busy, and I had the appt with the high risk peri yesterday.

I've been feeling really good and have more energy. My appetite is still pretty good...I've been eating like crazy, which would explain why I've gained another pound and a half this week! I also feel bigger! My belly is measuring about the same, from what I can tell, but I definitely feel bigger.

He is moving around a lot now! His most active time is 7pm-11pm! Go figure. Looks like I may not get much sleep when he's born!! haha If I pull up my shirt and stare at my belly I can see little kicks once in a while.

Dh and I went to Babies R Us yesterday in Brookfield (we were up that way anyway for the appt at Froedtert) and looked around. They are the only place I know of locally that sells preemie clothes! I didn't buy anything, but was awfully tempted! I'm sure we will be needing some. We have a few from Ryan, but can always use more clothes! LOL

I'm more excited now! I'm really excited about doing the registry and ordering the bedding and picking out names! All stuff we will be working on in the next 2 months or so.

So all is going great!


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