Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Tuesday, September 26, 2006

It's a......

Well, I had my u/s yesterday....and it's a.........


I was completely shocked! I really thought it was going to be a girl! That just shows you that all those old wives tales are just that...tales!! LOL

I told dh that just means we will have to try again afterwards for a girl!! He wasn't too sure about that at the time!

Ryan seems happy he will be getting his little brother. He said he wants to teach the baby everything he knows, and wants the baby to grow up to be big so he can play with him. LOL

So not the little girl I had hoped for, but another little boy won't be that bad. I'm used to boys....the trucks and dinosaurs and loudness....and I know once I hold that baby in my arms for the first time it won't matter!


Blogger Unknown said...

Congratulations!!!!!!! I am so excited for you Brenda!!

9/26/2006 7:04 PM  
Blogger and rudeness said...


9/28/2006 10:40 PM  

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