Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, June 22, 2006

Last beta awesome!

I just got the results from my last and final beta (unless it is necessary) and it's 8000!! It's doubling time is 49.8 hours!! woo hoo!! So it is progressing exactly the way it should be!! woohoo!!!!! I'm breathing a half sigh of relief right now.

My dr told me to call and schedule an u/s now for sometime in the next 3 weeks. I tried calling a while ago but the radiology dept had no record of the dr ordering it, and when I went to call the dr's office, they were out for lunch (for their hour and half lunch break...grrrrr). So I need to call back in a little while to get that set up. I can't wait to get the u/s! I will breathe so much better when I see the h/b!

I'm still feeling good. I'm eating about once every hour to two hours...mainly snacking on things like peanuts and crackers. I've been eating more fruit and high fiber foods and that has helped! No big morning sickness yet....but yesterday after laying down for a while I got up and felt pretty dizzy for a moment! It passed after a brief moment of standing against something. I'm still peeing constantly, my bbs still sore, still af like cramping. All seems good! I'm tired ALL the time!!! But I'm doing great!

About a week ago I noticed my right hip hurts. It only bothers me at the moment when I lie on it or if my underwear is resting on it. Very strange.

All is good so far! Stick baby stick!!!


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