Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

14 weeks

Not a whole lot new this week. I'm starting to feel nautious again after lasts for a few hours in the afternoon and then I'm fine. Everything else is pretty much the same as last week.

I lost half a pound from last week. It's strange because I feel like I'm eating like a pig...and am not always eating the healthy foods (I try), yet I'm not gaining nearly as much as I did with Ryan. Not yet anyway.

I washed all my maternity clothes and have them out. I'm pretty sure I will be in them shortly. The size 8's I am in now are starting to get a little tight.

Still no big cravings yet. Though I've been wanting donuts for a while now...Just haven't gone out to get them. I've been wanting more of the sugary not so good for you treats instead of the healthy ones. I've been trying to be good though. :)

My next appt is this Friday. I'm looking forward to it..I should be able to hear the heartbeat!
I've been thinking about my baby shower too. Trying to figure out when to have it and where. Got some planning to do!


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