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Wednesday, July 19, 2006

10 weeks

I'm now 10 weeks!! It's going so fast! Though I can't wait to be out of the first trimester...the fatigue and m/s are killing me.

New this week....exhaustion, exhaustion, exhaustion. Not new...but man, I can't get over how tired I am. I can barely get out of bed in the morning, night time I'm about to fall asleep by 9pm, and yesterday I even had to go to my parents house so they could watch Ryan for an hour so I could sleep!! Can't wait until I get more energy again. Of course, the hot temps don't help much either.

I have learned something new this week--I can't relax on the fiber!! LOL I stopped eating the fiber bars because I felt so good over the weekend. Big mistake...I paid for it the past few days. So I'm back to eating the fiber bars every morning!

All my symptoms are still pretty much the same....though the exhaustion seems more prominant this week.

I lost half a pound again. I thought for sure I'd gained since I ate like a pig this weekend...been eating a lot of higher calorie foods (ice cream, know, stuff that's not as good for me but tastes so good!).

I have my first OB appt on Friday!! Finally!!! I KNOW I'm pg, I feel the symptoms, I saw the h/b and baby, my clothes are getting tighter, but it won't feel real I think until I see my dr. Can't wait for it! I'm not taking Ryan to this appt since if I remember right they do a pap and all that fun stuff at the first appt. He doesn't need to see that. LOL

I've also started going through the baby name book this week. I'm looking at girls first (of course!!). I've gotten through to the "G's" so far. I still have the list from when we were picking names for far I've pretty much picked the same ones. My taste hasn't changed much.
I haven't been too gung ho about planning for the baby/pregnancy yet...been too tired and sick to do much. I know I'll get alot done in the second tri though. Just a few more weeks.....
Otherwise all is good!!

Oh yeah, and please pray for my friend from MOPs that I mentioned last week who is only 2 weeks behind me. Her dr is a bit concerned about the size of her uterus and they are doing blood tests to check her levels....she's had a blighted ovum I hope and pray all is ok with this one.


Blogger Cindy said...

Keep up the fiber! Wow, I can't believe you're almost in the 2nd tri!

7/20/2006 8:50 AM  

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