Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We have a heartbeat!!

OMG!!! I'm so so excited!!

I wasn't too sure I would be able to find out....since when I first asked the tech she told me she couldn't give me ANY info because she is just a tech and isn't a if something were wrong she legally can't tell me anything. I was upset about that and figured I'd have to wait 2 weeks for my dr appt to find out if all is ok.

But then we did the t/v and she turned the screen toward me and said we have a heartrate. I saw the beating heart and the small baby!! She wouldn't tell me what the rate was, but at least I got see the h/b!!

I'm measuring about 7 and a half weeks....exactly what FF told me. I'm dead on according to when I ovulated!!

All is looking great so far!!!!!!!

Praise God!!! Now I can start planning things!! LOL
Here is the pic.....she didn't get a very clear pic of the's the triangular looing thing in the middle of the black. LOL


Blogger Cindy said...

Oh, I see it. :) What a purdy bean.

7/06/2006 5:51 PM  

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