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Wednesday, July 12, 2006

9 weeks

I'm now 9 weeks!!! I've hit my milestone!!! I feel very relieved now that it's finally here and now I can breathe!! I was 9 weeks when I m/c last time....and this time, I'm now 9 weeks, have no spotting, no cramping, still have all those symptoms, including sore bbs, nausea, fatigue, etc. I'm very confident that all is going to be ok! You have no idea how much of a relief and weight off my shoulders that is!!!

Different things this week:

I finally got rid of the pesky constipation by eating more fruit, and eating the Fiber bars Colleen gave the recipe for. I eat one every morning and it works like a charm! I'm so happy to be feeling better!

Of course, I had the u/s last week and all looks GREAT! Saw the h/b and baby...and all looks good. I have been feeling nautious on and off....Monday was a bad day...I felt sick ALL day...but today I've been fine. It's strange how that works.

I think I'm getting shorts are too tight on me pair I can't even get past my hips!!! LOL My jeans still fit but when I sit down I have to unbutton them.
I am still at the same weight change this month. Could be due to the m/s I've been having. It was the same with Ryan too.

I am now starting to look up nursery themes/bedding. I have about 10 different ones I like. I'm looking up both boys and girls...but I have my heart set on girl stuff LOL I'm now referring to baby as "she".

My dr just called me and told me to stay on progesterone until 12 weeks. She freaked me out though when she called because I thought there was a problem with the u/s!! Thank goodness she said all looks good...she just wants to me stay on the progesterone. Phew!

At my MOPS meeting on Monday the coordinator told us that she is also pg!! She is only 2 weeks behind me!! It will be fun to be pg together! how very exciting!

I'm still enjoying every second of this...even the days I'm not feeling well. Because I know it's all for a good cause...I'd much rather be nautious and constipated than go through the pain and heartache of ttc and getting af month after month. I'm so very very lucky to be pg...I'm carrying a little miracle inside....and I will never take that for granted. I LOVE being pg!!! :D


Blogger Cindy said...

You're allowed to complain, though, ya know. ;)

Congrats on passing 9 weeks.

7/14/2006 5:37 PM  

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