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Friday, July 21, 2006

My First prenatal appt!

It went GREAT!!!!

I finally got to see Michelle, the nurse I had been working with on the phone since I first started clomid back in Oct! I've seen her before, but we had been conversing on the phone so much that it was nice to see her in person! LOL She was so excited for me was so sweet!

Anyway, my blood pressure is good, all my vitals are good, got the big folder full of info, the cup I need to pee in for next time, etc. I had the standard urine test, pap and pelvic, and they took 4 viles of blood for the HIV/AIDS test and I don't even know what else. LOL She gave me the list of tests but I don't remember now what they were. All the standard tests.

She couldn't find the h/b on the doppler so she did a t/v u/s to make sure all was ok. I breathed a sigh of relief as I got to see my baby again and the heart beating!!! She's starting to look like a real baby can see the head, arms, and legs forming!! I'm measuring 9 weeks 5 days (4 days behind...which is EXACTLY dead on for when I O'd) but she's not changing my due date yet unless I measure more than that. I'm still due Valentine's day.

I inquired about my concerns about PPD...since I had it pretty severe last time. She said I had two choices (and we will discuss more in detail later on in the pg). I could just not do anything and the nurse would call me frequently to make sure all was ok, or go on antidepressants directly after birth for 6-8 months. I have to think about it. Not sure what I want to do yet. I've got time.

I also found out they have a sibling class that Ryan can go to. They take the kids to the birthing center to show where mommy will be, show the babies, and things like that to better aquaint them with the process. I think that will be great for Ryan.

I have no cramping, no bleeding....and all looks great! She also said she will monitor me closely throughout pregnancy because of my previous pregnancy...I had some complications with Ryan. I had to be induced with Ryan because placenta was disintegrating and Ryan wasn't growing properly. She also said I most likely will have another small baby...just due to genetics. I can't imagine having a 10 pounder LOL

It was a great appt! I go back again in 4 weeks. I really feel everything is going to be ok.


Blogger Cindy said...

So glad everything is going smoothly!

7/21/2006 9:57 PM  
Blogger Michelle said...

Wonderful news Brenda! If you plan on breastfeeding, I would probably wait on the anti-depressants. I don't know what the statistics for recurrence are, but your body is still a different one from the last time you were pregnant.

7/24/2006 6:19 PM  

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