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Thursday, August 03, 2006

12 weeks

Ok..I'm a day late on posting this. But better late than never!!

1 more week and I'm in the second tri! Also 1 more week left of the progesterone supplements!!! woo hoo!! I can't wait to stop taking those!!

I'm up to my original weight again. So I'm at the same weight I was pre-pregnancy. My belly has definitely gotten bigger this week too...I'm now in size 8, and you can definitely see I'm showing a bit.

Nausea is becoming less and less. Only about twice a week now. I'm glad to be feeling better! Also not as tired too....and I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights...I have a feeling I'll have insomnia again during the second tri. I had that with Ryan.

I've lost a few more sore bbs, nausea (for the most part), fatigue...I'm starting to feel more normal again. I'm also starting to get more hungry! I'm sure I'll be finally gaining some weight soon.

I've finished going through the name book and have all the names written down that I like. Now dh just needs to go through it to let me know what he likes and we can narrow it down. I have also gone through nursery themes...I have that narrowed down to 4 girl themes and 3 boy themes.

Everything is progressing well! I'm getting more excited now! I have also started getting Ryan more involved. I've asked him to come up with a name for the baby. I most likely won't use his suggestions since they aren't even words that he comes up with!! LOL But he enjoys trying to come up with names. There is also a Blues Clues special on this Sunday where Blue is getting a baby brother. So that will be great for him to watch!

Things are great!


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