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Friday, September 01, 2006

16 week appt!

Things are looking great! My weight is still the same as last appt, but she didn't mention anything. I was so worried I would gain more with this pg but I've actually gained less this time than I did with Ryan. And I eat when I'm hungry.

My blood pressure is good and all is fine with the urine. (she did tell me to drink more water...but really, how much water can you really drink before 9am?). Baby's h/b was 157! Still the most beautiful sound EVER! My belly is a good size and said baby seems to be growing just fine.

I had the triple screen taken today and she gave me the ok to schedule the big u/s!! She told me though to make sure I schedule it for 2-4 weeks from now though...they like to do it between 18-20 weeks, and she told me if I wanted to know the gender to schedule it closer to 20 weeks since it's easier when they are bigger.

I asked about the pain I was having and she checked my stomach and said it's most likely a pulled muscle or sore muscle. She said it's well above baby and usually a pain like that has to do with the muscle. She told me to limit how much activity I do...nothing strenuous and no heavy lifting. Otherwise all is good!! I go back in 4 weeks and also have my big u/s! This pg is going so fast!


Blogger Cindy said...

Wow, glad all is well!

9/01/2006 4:48 PM  
Blogger and rudeness said...

So, what I heard the doctor tell you is:

1. No more heavy lifting... Like doing dishes or laundry.

2. Not alot of activity... No vaccuuming or laundry.

3. You don't have to do laundry.


You know what they say about a higher(157) heartbeat... Brenda's having a GIIIIRRLLLL!!

That's my bet...

9/02/2006 2:08 PM  

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