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Thursday, August 31, 2006

16 weeks

So a lot has happened this past week.

I haven't been feeling well. I've been having some issues with pain this week...pain I've never had before.
I get a horrible squeezing type feeling in my someone kicked me in the stomach. It happens every time I'm active (the other day all I did was do dishes and make dinner and I was on the couch laying down for 2 hours afterwards). It lasts for 3-5 hours and the only way I can get rid of it is by laying down. I've also had a bit of nausea and diarhea here and there. Not good.

I also am having some leg cramps. I'm wondering with that though if the baby is just laying on my nerves for my leg or something..because even tylenol isn't doing anything for that.

This pregnancy is so different than my was so easy with Ryan, and he turned out to be a very easy child. I'm getting a little scared already with this one!! If the pg is getting harder, I can only imagine what this child's personality is going to be like!! LOL

I haven't gained any more weight.....I haven't been very hungry. But my belly definitely grew. I will post a pic shortly.

I also started wearing maternity clothes this week! I can't fit into most of my regular clothes anymore, so I just brought out my maternity now. It's much more comfortable!

We hope to be starting work on the nursery pretty soon. We need to tear out the panaling and put up dry wall. Hope to start that this weekend.

I have a dr's appt tomorrow....I will have my triple screen test done (simple blood test) and will discuss about the pain I'm having. Hoping it's nothing. Hopefully I can schedule my big u/s soon! I can't wait to find out if I'm having a boy or girl!


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