Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 24, 2006

15 weeks

Well, so much for feeling great!!

I started feeling nausea once again a few days ago. I'm a bit better now, but still don't have a big appetite, and nothing really appeals to me food-wise. I really only eat because I know I "have" to.

I have been having horrible stomach pain the last few days. The only way I can describe it- it feels like a rubber band wrapped around my stomach and squeezing the insides. I can barely get off the couch. Seems to happen the most after I've been active. Dr. told me it can be one of 3 things....ligaments stretching, stomach bug, or dehydration. She told me to drink tons of liquids (I literally think I'm going to float away right now) and to lay down as much as possible. Yeah right. Laying down is nearly impossible with a very active almost 4 yr old! Yesterday afternoon I tried to lay down on the couch, and from getting up every 10 minutes to pee from the gallons of water I'm forced to drink, and getting up every 5 minutes because Ryan needed something...I didn't get much resting done.

My weight is still the same....but I'm not surprised...I haven't had much of an appetite this week.

No clothes are comfortable I'm starting to wear maternity. It's a little big yet, but it's comfortable.


Blogger Cindy said...

So sorry you're feeling crummy again! I hope you feel better soon.

8/24/2006 7:00 PM  

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