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Thursday, September 07, 2006

17 weeks

I don't know how these weeks seem to get away from me. I seem to keep posting a day late!! oh well! Better late than never!

Not a whole lot new this week. I'm completely in maternity clothes...I'm not even bothering trying any of my regular clothes. I might as well get some use out of my summer maternity things while I can since soon it will be too cold to wear them.

My pain is gone. I have actually felt great this past week! I even went out and got my hair cut, went out for lunch, went things are good.

I bought my first "real" item for baby this week...diapers!! Can never have too many of those! Pampers were on sale so I got those, plus I had a coupon! Bargain shopper! I got the Newborn size....I'm not use to seeing such small diapers anymore! they are just so cute! They are sitting on my dresser right now, just waiting for the nursery to be ready.

We also started work on the nursery this week. Tore out the panaling and the dry wall. The guy came last night to do an estimate and will get back to us today. Can't wait for it to be done!

I gained 2 pounds this week!! yikes! I've barely gained anything this whole pregnancy and then gained 2 pounds in one week! Guess I gotta watch how much I eat at Olive Garden's all you can eat Soup, Salad, and Breadsticks!! Guess I ate one too many breadsticks! LOL It was soooooo worth it though! Love those cravings! haha

I scheduled my BIG u/s!!! It's Sept 25!!! I can't wait to find out the gender!! Send me some PINK vibes!!! I'm really hoping for a girl this time!! (though you know I'd be happy with a boy too.....but I really want my girl!)

I FINALLY look pregnant now rather than just "fat". Last night at AWANA I actually got a "Are you pregnant?" question instead of strange looks! (of course, while I was eating a chocolate chip cookie none-the-less).

All is great!! I can't believe how fast this is going. I'm trying to savor every don't just struggle over 2 years to get pregnant and then want it to be over! It's going too fast! Though this pg is different in that with Ryan I just wanted to stay pg. This time I'm enjoying being pg, but I can't wait to meet this little one!


Blogger and rudeness said...



9/14/2006 8:40 PM  

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