Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

26 weeks

I know I missed last week. There really wasn't much to report!

I'm doing well. It's getting more difficult to get a decent night of sleep though. I'm up several times a night to go to the bathroom, and I'm finding it more difficult to get comfortable in bed. So I've been tired many mornings now!

Still no big cravings. In fact, most of the time I'm just not hungry for anything. I get hungry, but I just don't know what I want and end up either not eating or just eating something to just "settle". I still don't feel as hungry as I did with my first pg.

I did gain 2 pounds this week! I'm up to 10.5 pounds total so far. Hard to look at that scale! LOL

My belly has definitely grown quite a bit recently. I'm finding it harder to shave, bend over, or put my socks on!

I feel him moving around a lot! His kicks are getting stronger. He likes to sit mainly in my pelvis, and likes to put pressure on my bladder. Lovely! LOL

I had another u/s with a peri this past week. My dr was concerned because he still is measuring small. But the peri basically said I have no reason to see him. The baby is measuring fine...small but still in the normal range. Weighing 1lb 9oz and in the 30th percentile. I think that's pretty good. That's what Ryan is the 30th percentile! So no worries I think.

No decision on a name yet. We are avoiding the topic at the moment. We can't agree on a name.

I also got my guest list ready for the baby shower and have registered! I registered at Target and Amazon. It was so much fun to do!

All is looking good so far! Only 2 more weeks and I'll be in the 3rd tri already!! It's going really fast!!


Blogger Cindy said...

I'm glad all is well and the peri wasn't concerned.

11/08/2006 4:39 PM  

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