Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Monday, November 27, 2006

28 week appt

My appt went very well today!

My blood pressure was a little on the higher side for me, but still very much in the normal range. I have very low blood pressure to begin with, so it wasn't very high anyway!

The baby's h/b was 144. It took her a few minutes to find it though because little one kept moving around! He even kicked the doppler a few times! Fiesty little one! heehee

The dr. was very happy to see I gained weight. I also measured at 26-27 cm which I guess is good. She said I'm starting to catch up! woo hoo!

Everything looks good. I go back again in 2 now I'm officially starting my 2 week appts!

I also got the 1 hr glucose test done. I had to drink that icky orange stuff and wait an hour to get blood drawn. I came prepared with a book to read while waiting! I also have to get the Rhogam shot. They took the blood and will call me when the shot is ready, which should be tomorrow.
I'll get the results of the glucose in the next few days.

All is looking good and it's going so fast!


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