Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

27 weeks

Things seem to be moving really fast! One more week and I'm already in the 3rd trimester! Woo hoo! After 2 years of infertility it's hard sometimes to believe it's really happening.

I'm still feeling good. No major issues so all is good that way. I haven't heard from the dr so I guess all is fine there too. My next appt isn't until after Thanksgiving. I will have all the lovely stuff then...the glucose test and the Rhogam shot.
I think it will be fun this year during the holidays! I've never been pg during the holidays before. I figured I will be 28 weeks at Thanksgiving and about 32 weeks at Christmas. Good thing it's not my year to hand out the gifts! With Ryan I got pg in Feb and had him in Oct., so I skipped over all the major holidays. Though it was nice to have Ryan here with us at Christmas.

Ryan has had a cough all week, and now I've got it. It's rather annoying but I don't think it's anythin serious. If I still have it when I have my dr's appt I will ask about it.

I've only gained half a pound this week. The grand total being 11 pounds so far!

The nursery is coming along nicely. Dh has been working on the trim and he put up a ceiling fan/light. I ordered the carpet and that should be here in about 2 weeks.

Dh and I were just talking about how this pg is so different from Ryan. With Ryan I had all the major symptoms, had cravings, etc. This time around everything seems to be the opposite. I haven't had hardly any cravings, I'm barely hungry. It's just so different. But still good. :)

I give all the credit to the Lord. I still thank Him everyday for the blessings He has given me. I never forget that He is the one that allowed this to happen. I am truly blessed. Anything and everything is possible with God. :)


Blogger Mary said...

Congrats on the progress with the nursery, I still need to get started on mine. Glad to hear that all is well.

11/15/2006 9:56 AM  
Blogger Cindy said...

Glad to hear all is well. I think it's time for a new belly pic!

11/15/2006 4:18 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe how fast your pg is going, I'm sure not for you though, lol! I can't wait to see pics of the nursery. I'll be checking back often!

11/16/2006 1:08 PM  

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