Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Sunday, June 25, 2006


Yesterday was the first day that I actually had real nausea....not m/s at all....I never lost my breakfast, but I sure felt like it!!! I had already eaten, so I know it wasn't because of that. But I just didn't feel too well. It only lasted a few hours and then I was fine. But I was so happy to feel sick!! LOL

My shampoo is actually making me feel ill too. Isn't it weird when you are pg how you have a heightened sense of smell? My shampoo now smells to me like the chemical you use to perm hair. LOL I know...strange. But it has that weird, strong odor to it.

We also went to my friend's house yesterday to see their new baby. She delivered the same day I got my BFP! She has a beautiful baby girl....and I got to hold her and feed her. Something I would have had a very hard time with before. But it would be hard not to love this baby...she is gorgeous! But it's an hour drive there and I had to stop twice on the way to pee!!!! LOL

I'm starting to feel a little anxiety about the possiblity of PPD. I had severe PPD after Ryan...and I know the chances are higher with each pregnancy once you've had it. I plan on talking with my dr about it during my first appt....but it does kinda scare me. I never want to go through that again. I've worked so hard to get here....I don't want to have to go through the worst pain I've ever felt again. So something I will be discussing with my dr.

Everything is going great! One lady at church has been gone for several weeks..she had an operation and has been recovering...and today was her first day back. I made the praise/prayer request about my u/s and she's like WHAT???!! LOL Poor thing was out of the loop! LOL Oh..and I wear my regular dress pants to church (I had to work in the nursery today) and they are already getting tight!!! yikes!!

LOL I just want the next week and half to go fast!! I can't wait for my u/s!


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