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Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Insurance vent!

augh. Insurance sucks!!!!!!! I just spent 45 minutes on the phone between the pharmarcy, the insurance, and the dr's office, trying to get them to cover the stinkin progesterone...AGAIN!

I called in my refill order the other day. I know this would take a while since they have to order it, then have the pharamcist make it overnight..blah blah. So I wasnt' expecting to get it until Friday or next week...I still have about 2 weeks (maybe 10 days) left. The pharmacy called me this afternoon (mind you, it was about 4:15pm...close to closing time for insurance and dr's offices) telling me that insurance is not covering it. AUGH. So I hang up, call the insurance. Talk to someone. They transfer me to someone else. I talk to her. She puts me on hold to check some stuff. We talk again. Discover that yes, insurance IS covering it. Insurance calls the pharmacy to find out what they are doing wrong. Turns out #1..they were putting it under Ryan's name (DUH!! I don't think a 3 yr old can take progeserone!!!!) and they are covering the wrong med. She said once that is all taken care of, it WILL be covered. Hang up, call the dr's office. Talk to Michelle, the nurse I've been dealing with since last year when I first starting getting medical help (I'm very comfortable with her) and she says she'll call the insurance to get it taken care of (she wasn't the original person that called the insurance to begin with). Well, since it's after 5pm, it will have to be taken care of tomorrow. But then the pharmacy calls me back and says on their end it seems to be a problem with a code and it IS covered...but insurance is only paying $15!!!! The cost is $84.99 and I STILL have to pay $71.99!!!!!! WTH???? Is that even worth it?? So anyway, I'm not getting the prescription until I hear back from Michelle tomorrow. It's all a huge mess. I HATE dealing with insurance.

And what is up with progesterone.....every single time I try to get it something like this happens. gggrrr. I can't wait until I am off this med. My ONLY complaint about being pg. And it's more of a complaint of insurance. gggrr.


Blogger Michelle said...

Sorry about all the ins problems. The stress doesn't help. Maybe you need to look at getting a new pharmacy.

6/29/2006 9:59 AM  

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