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Thursday, November 30, 2006

29 weeks

I'm definitely starting to feel the effects of 3rd tri!

I'm more tired this week. Though I think that's partially due to the fact that I haven't been sleeping that well recently. I have a horrible cough that seems the worst at night, so if I'm not in the bathroom peeing, I'm hacking up a lung! Speaking of coughing and peeing, I can't wait for this cough to go away, as every time I cough hard, yep, you guessed it, incontrollable bladder!!! yikes. I had forgotten about that part of pregnancy!

And surprise...I actually lost half a pound this week! I can't quite figure out why either, as I had tons of food during Thanksgiving. Very strange. I'm sure it will catch up with me though.

Baby has been moving around quite a bit. Ryan put his hand on my belly and felt the baby kick, though I'm not too sure he knows he felt it! LOL He kept asking "did it kick?" But he loves to try. He also has been giving my belly hugs and kisses a lot and telling his baby brother "I love you baby!". It's just the sweetest thing and makes me want to cry!

The nursery is almost done! We finished the walls and windows and and got new carpeting installed this week. All that is left to do in the room is install new closet doors, put up the window valances and curtains, and put in furniture and decor! I'm so excited! I will post pics when it's completed!

I'm pretty sure on a name now (which I'm not telling yet until I'm definite on it) but we still have the rest of the baby book to go through. But I'm sure it's going to be this one particular name.

I got the results from my glucose test...and of course, I passed! woo hoo! I knew I would. I also got the rhogam shot on Tues. The shot itself wasn't so the hip and over in 5 seconds (though it stung for those 5 seconds). It was the after affects that hip hurt pretty bad the rest of the day and I couldn't sleep on that side that night! Ah well. It's ok now and it was what I had to do.

All in all it's been a good week...other than the cough. I hope it goes away soon because it makes it hard to really enjoy things.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I hope that cough goes away soon! I have the pee when I sneeze thing going on, too, but I can't blame it on pregnancy. I always pee when I cough hard or sneeze ever since I had Tristan. I'm going to have to start wearing Depends, LOL!

12/04/2006 8:06 PM  
Blogger and rudeness said...

I am glad things are going well! Curse the cough!

So you mentioned the rhogam shot... I had one with Bubba and I have been concerned about having another Bubba because they said my chances of being a higher risk preg would increase?

Have you had any problems? What did your doctor tell you?

AND... I would LOVE to see pics of your nursery when it is complete!

12/05/2006 7:33 PM  

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