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Tuesday, December 12, 2006

30 week appt

I had my appt yesterday. I'm posting a bit late since I am sick, yet again, and didn't feel up to blogging.

First off, I was planning on taking Ryan with me this time. However, we both are sick and I didn't want to contaminate the OB's office any more than I have to, so I made an emergency phone call to my mom to babysit. Hopefully Ryan will go with me next time.

My blood pressure is good, 90/55 (normal for me). The baby's h/b was very good, 141, nice and strong and he even kicked the doppler. :) Urine sample was good and my white blood cell count is back up to normal (apparently it was elevated; who knew?). I passed the diabetes test and am not anemic. All good things.

My weight is good, though she wants to see me gain 10 more pounds by the end of the pregnancy. That's about a pound a week!! ouch. Considering I can barely contain more than soup right now that will be rough. It doesn't help that I don't have any cravings either.

I'm measuring 28 cm, which she said is good. The norm for 30 weeks I guess is 30 cm, and she said anything within 3 cm is considered normal, so she's happy that baby is growing.

I go back again in 2 weeks...which makes it Christmas. So my appt is actually a bit 32 week appt will actually be on Dec. 27, when I'm 33 weeks! LOL

I had asked about what I can take for this darn cold I have (I can't breathe through my nose at all at night, and quite frankly, I'm miserable...I miss NYQUIL!!!). She said Sudafed or Actifed, or Benedril.
So I picked up some Sudafed which is not doing much for me, plus is giving me heart palpatations. I've noticed when I take it my heart speeds up. Guess I can't take that either. blah.

Dh was so sweet last night. I was supposed to go to my MOPS meeting last night (it was our Christmas party meeting) but there was no way I could go feeling this way. So he went for me to drop off the 6 dozen cookies I had to make (technically dh made them this weekend...I told ya he was a sweetheart!), then he went to the store to get me a vaporizer so I could at least breathe. Such a sweetheart he is! :)


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