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Monday, January 22, 2007

Failed the NST!!

(this was Sat)

I spent 8 hours at Labor and Delivery today!!!! I'm feeling a bit stressed from my Non stress test!!! LOLThis morning was the sibling class at the hospital, so we took Ryan to that. He had a great time and learned a lot on helping mommy and such. It was cute. Then we stopped at the cafeteria for some lunch and then I had a NST at noon. The NST that normally takes a half hour turned into a 3 1/2 hour test!!!!!!! I was getting so tired of laying down and my back was killing me from laying on my back!! Anyway, I ended up failing the NST. (frreaked me out since that is what happened with Ryan too....part of why I was induced the next day). So they had me go for an emergency u/s for a biophysical exam. That was a half hour. They had a point system for the biophysical (certain things they are looking for such as movement, heartrate and practice breathing)...and I got a 6 out of 8. Not the greatest but enough to be able to let me go home. He failed the practice breathing part. So I have to go back on Monday morning for another NST and I need to call immediately if I notice a decreaes in movements.I'm totally freaked that I'm going to have him early again!!!! I had Ryan at 37 weeks due to complications, and it looks like this one may be a possibility too. Yikes. So we had spent 8 hours at the hospital today...poor Ryan was so bored!! But he did so well....Bob kept him pretty busy and occupied. Please pray on Monday that all looks ok.


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