Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 29, 2006

Another u/s

I had an u/s today to check on growth and size. Of course, the tech can't tell me much so I have to wait to talk to the dr next week about it. (unless she calls before then). But he look good to me! And Kyle is STILL Kyle LOL Got a good pic of the goods LOL Actually, his hand was right by it and the tech laughed and said that's a typical boy thing!! LOL Got some other good to see him grab his foot and play with his toes. He was also opening and closing his mouth. His head is down near my pelvis, which would explain the pressure I feel there frequently. He's moving around a lot though so he's not in "position" or anything.I'm 33 weeks 1 day today and I'm measuring 30 weeks 3 almost 3 weeks behind. The dr usually gives about 14 days of error....and now I'm more than that. So I wouldn't be surprised if I received a call from her. I personally think all is ok and he's just small. He is weighing in at 3lbs 7 oz. To me that's just about right at 33 weeks.....Ryan was 4lb 15oz at 37 I think Kyle will be about 5lb at birth also. I do have pics but I haven't had a chance to upload them to the computer yet.


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