Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 04, 2007

34 weeks and dr. appt

I now have 6 weeks left!!!!!

Not a whole lot has changed this past week. Just all the usual stuff....uncomfortable sleeping at night, tired, etc.

I gained a pound this week, so I'm slowly gaining. I haven't felt as nauseous this week so that's a plus!

We got a rocker/glider chair this weekend. It was supposed to go in the baby's room but it's too comfortable to put in there, so it's in the living room right now! LOL At least this way it will get used right now!

I had my dr's appt today. Everything is looking good. Blood pressure and weight are good. I'm measuring 31-32 cm and the h/b was 148. He is now head down so he's getting ready I think. He just needs to cook a little bit longer!

She said the u/s I had looked very good. My fluid is great and the placenta is definitely out of the way. He is measuring in the 3rd percentile, but has continously measured in the 3rd so she said it's not too concerning, since he's still growing along the curve. However, because of the fact that he is lower than the 5th percentile (the cutoff point) I am now having dr appts weekly and am now starting non stress tests. I will have a non stress test (NST) once a week for the next 2 weeks, then will have them twice a week. I had them with Ryan too..they are easy to do. I just hope this time one of them doesn't indicate a problem and I need to be what happened with Ryan!!

So I have to have my first one by this weekend and my next dr appt is next Wed. It's getting closer!!


Blogger Cindy said...

Won't be long now!

1/05/2007 7:51 AM  
Blogger and rudeness said...

Man 6 weeks... It. is. flying. I am glad that everything is ok!

What do you have to do when you do a "stress test?"

1/05/2007 12:47 PM  
Blogger Mary said...

awww not much longer now brenda!

1/06/2007 6:43 AM  

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