Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, January 11, 2007

35 weeks and appt

My appt today went well. A quick one. My bp was good, urine good. The h/b was 136. I lost half a pound this week but my belly grew, so that evens out I guess. My next NST is Friday. Starting at my next appt I will be having it twice a week. I will also have the Strep B culture done next week. I also start cervical checks next week!She also talked about what I should do if I go into labor. Yikes. It's really getting close! So my next appt is next week Wed.

I also found out why I'm having such horrible pain in my pelvis. Sometimes it's so bad I can barely walk. She said the head is way down in my pelvis and is resting right on my pelvic bone. No wonder it hurts!

I had to take off my ring this week. It's not horribly tight yet but I'm afraid of it getting too tight and then not being able to get it off, so I stopped wearing it for now.

My shower is this coming Sat. I'm looking forward to it! It should be fun. Also, the morning of the shower is the sibling class at the hospital for Ryan. It will be good for him so he can see where mommy will be staying.

It's getting closer!


Blogger Cindy said...

Wow, can't believe how close it's getting! Your little boy will be here before we know it!

1/11/2007 7:43 PM  
Blogger and rudeness said...


1/15/2007 6:08 PM  

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