Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

33 weeks

I just looked at my ticker and it says I have 49 days left!!!! Holy cats!! Time is really flying. I still have so much to do yet...I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time!!!

This week has been busy of course because of Christmas. Oh man am I feeling the busyness! I'm just exhausted! I can't seem to get motivated to do much currently, and even though I got a full night of sleep (minus getting up to pee several times) I feel like I haven't slept in days. Amazing how tired all this can make me!

I have only gained a half a pound this week...considering all the food I ate for Christmas. Though actually I didn't eat nearly as much as I normally do. Something I'll have to discuss with my dr. She wants me to gain 10 pounds, I don't think it's going to happen. I'm just not hungry most of the time, and feel nauseous frequently. I think I'm in the 1st tri again!!

I also have some spotting too that I need to discuss with my dr. It doesn't seem to be anything too's very little and brown, and just enough for a pantyliner. But something I should mention to her though.

Otherwise all seems to be going well. I have my next dr's appt today, so I will update with info later!


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