Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

32 weeks

Wow, this past week went fast. That was mainly because I was sick for most of it.

I was still sick on Friday, so I called my FP, who of course, was on vacation. Figures. So I called my OB and talked with Michelle, my RN I love so much! She told me that I had a sinus infection. Lovely. So she gave me antibiotics. Took a few days to kick in, but alass...I can finally breathe again!!! I finally feel normal again and can get back to normal activity!

As for my pregnancy goes, I have stayed the same weight as last week. Which is good, considering I was worried I was going to lose weight with being sick. I haven't had a very big appetite lately either.

We finally decided on a name! Woo hoo!!! Figured it was about time to commit to something, as we don't have a whole lot of time left. His name is Kyle Michael.

I'm also starting to feel pressure to get the nursery done! We still need to get the curtains up, get things on the walls, get a rocker/glider chair, and a dresser.

Kyle's been moving around a lot. Now he's not just in my pelvis as before...he's decided to move up a bit more so it's harder to breathe at times and hard to sit as he's resting in my ribs. Ah, the joys of kids! LOL

The invitations to my shower have been sent. It will be on Jan 13...I'm so excited!

I also signed Ryan up for the sibling class at the hospital. Go's also on Jan 13. So that will be a busy day! The sibling class in the morning, the shower in the afternoon.

I had some serious BH contractions this past weekend. Practically knocked me on my feet...seriously thought I was in labor at first. I timed them and they were I know it wasn't real labor. Freaked me out though. I rested and drank water and they went away.

Things are going well. My next appt is after Christmas. I'm supposed have my appt at 32 weeks but due to Christmas being in the way...I'll be 33 weeks. oh well.


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