Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, December 14, 2006

31 weeks

Not much to update since I just posted most of it in the appt post.

I lost half a pound because I'm sick. Really. sick.

I can't breathe through my all. Not just at night, but during the day too. It's really bad. I can't eat or sleep due to this either. And now I just tossed my cookies (if I even ate cookies). Nothing I've taken (what little I can take) has helped. I've tried Vicks vapor rub, a vaporizer, Sudafed (which I found out I can't take because it causes my heart to speed up). I'm absolutely miserable. I'm thinking of calling my family dr just to see what can be done.

So that's about it. Hard to enjoy the pg when I'm sick.


Blogger Cindy said...

So sorry you're feeling miserable

12/14/2006 5:51 AM  
Blogger Mary said...

So sorry that you're sick, hope you feel better soon. DH can't take anything with psuedophederine either as it causes heart palpatations.

12/15/2006 10:38 AM  

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