Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 29, 2006

33 week u/s pics

Here are the pics I promised. This one is his face...there's his eyes, nose, mouth, and to the left is his hand.

Here is another pic of his face, from profile view. It almost looks like he's sucking his hand.

Here is a pic of his foot (on the left) and his hand (on the right). He's grabbing his toes and playing!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Great sono pics, but I am still waiting for nursery pics. Or, did you post those already and I missed it while I was MIA??? I can't believe your baby boy will be here soon!!! Great name by the way!

Keep me posted!!!

1/01/2007 3:50 PM  
Blogger and rudeness said...


These are great pics! Its getting so close...

1/03/2007 11:49 AM  

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