Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

38 weeks!

So this is the farthest I have made it. I've never made it to 38 weeks before. I'm amazed when I look at my ticker.

So anyway, I'm having this baby tomorrow!! I'm gettting nervous now. And kinda is my last day where it's just me and Ryan. I was going to make it a special day and go out and do something fun, but I had to take him to the dr's yesterday and he has an ear infection. So guess we aren't going anywhere special! But we are hanging out at home and having fun.

So life will change very shortly. I'm excited and anxious!! Everything is all set. Now we just need the baby!

Wish me luck!!! :)

Oh yeah...and the specifics....I have gained a total of 17.5 pounds (less than my pg with Ryan). People tell me I look bigger than I did with Ryan, but I don't know. I can't tell the difference!

Anyway, will update when I can after he's born!!! :)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Nursery pics...finally!

Here are the pics of the nursery...finally! LOL

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The one below with the letters will go on the wall. I bought the wood letters and then painted them, and painted the car on the plaque also. Daddy decided it would be a nice project for Ryan and daddy to have while I'm busy with the baby.

Friday, January 26, 2007

37 week dr appt

Yes, I'm 2 days behind this time!! It's been difficult to find time to post these days!

I am currently 2 cm dialated and 50% effaced, but the cervix is still really high. I have been having lots of BH contractions now...last night I almost thought I was in labor as the contractions were 5 minutes apart for about a half hour, then it was 17 minutes, then 20 minutes, etc. Not consistant.

My NSTs have been marginal...passing but marginal. So my dr has decided to induce!!!

I will be induced on Thursday, Feb 1 at 5pm! Which means most likely a middle of the night delivery. Oh well. I'll be happy for the induction...I'm garenteed my epidural then!! LOL

I have to have a NST on Sat and again on Tues though, just to monitor that he is doing ok. But otherwise no more dr appts until induction day!!!

I went to the store yesterday to get last minute stuff that I hadn't picked up yet. I think we are pretty much ready. I just need to clean the house (haha) and get that stuff prepared.

I'm excited, nervous, scared! But can't wait to meet this little guy!!

I will most likely post the birth story and pics here and on my main blog, and then I think this blog is pretty much done.

Thanks to everyone for sharing in my incredible journey! God is so good! Praise Him for this incredible miracle! :)

Monday, January 22, 2007

Passed today!

Today I passed the NST..thank goodness!! I was a bit freaked out. I stopped at Walmart on the way and got a sugary donut....ate it on the way there. That must have done the trick because I passed! woo hoo!

So I have my dr appt and another NST on Wed.

Failed the NST!!

(this was Sat)

I spent 8 hours at Labor and Delivery today!!!! I'm feeling a bit stressed from my Non stress test!!! LOLThis morning was the sibling class at the hospital, so we took Ryan to that. He had a great time and learned a lot on helping mommy and such. It was cute. Then we stopped at the cafeteria for some lunch and then I had a NST at noon. The NST that normally takes a half hour turned into a 3 1/2 hour test!!!!!!! I was getting so tired of laying down and my back was killing me from laying on my back!! Anyway, I ended up failing the NST. (frreaked me out since that is what happened with Ryan too....part of why I was induced the next day). So they had me go for an emergency u/s for a biophysical exam. That was a half hour. They had a point system for the biophysical (certain things they are looking for such as movement, heartrate and practice breathing)...and I got a 6 out of 8. Not the greatest but enough to be able to let me go home. He failed the practice breathing part. So I have to go back on Monday morning for another NST and I need to call immediately if I notice a decreaes in movements.I'm totally freaked that I'm going to have him early again!!!! I had Ryan at 37 weeks due to complications, and it looks like this one may be a possibility too. Yikes. So we had spent 8 hours at the hospital today...poor Ryan was so bored!! But he did so well....Bob kept him pretty busy and occupied. Please pray on Monday that all looks ok.

Friday, January 19, 2007

36 week belly pic

Here I am at 36 weeks.

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Thursday, January 18, 2007

36 weeks and appt

As always I'm one day behind. *sigh*

My NST went decently yesterday. It was longer than normal because Kyle was sleeping and wasn't making any movements. The nurse actually had to put the tv speaker on my belly to try to wake him up (which didn't work), but he finally made some movements when I turned on my side. After an hour she finally let me go, with a "normal" result.

My appt went very well. My OB was sick so I had to see one of the other OB's. Thankfully it was the one other dr I've met before, considering they were going to be doing a cervical check!!

The h/b is good, my bp is good. I gained another pound. :) They did a strep B culture and checked my cervix. I am 1 cm dialated already, but the cervix is still high and the dr said it will be a while yet.

I've been having a lot of BH recently...some of them are getting painful. I don't remember having those with Ryan...but then I really didn't know what I was feeling back then either.

The nursery is almost complete. I waiting on my storage unit that should arrive by Monday so I can finally organize the place and put things away. Then a few things up on the walls and it's done.

I'm having a harder time sleeping and have been getting more uncomfortable. Just a few more weeks and I can meet him!

I've been rather sad this week though....I'm realizing that very soon it won't be just me and Ryan anymore. He's been extra cuddling and lovey this week, making me realize how much I had loved having him be my only. Time with him will be limited soon. It makes me sad. But I'm sure I will adjust and things will be great in the new chapter. :)

4 weeks left!!

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

My baby shower

My shower was this past Sat. It went really well. My best friend threw it for me and she did a wonderful job. There were 8 people there total (including her and myself). So it was small but kinda intimate. Everyone got along to it was nice.We had lunch of sandwiches and snacks, and then of course cake! yum. It was all very good.Then we played a few shower games. Word scramble, find the safety pins in the bowl of rice, and baby bingo. Because there were so few people there everyone got several prizes, whether they won or not! LOL Then I opened gifts. I received lots of nice things: bouncy seat, diapers, wipes, clothes (onesies, sleepers), bath stuff. It was really nice. I have now put away most of the things and am getting ready for the big day!! I hope to have some pics to share. I didn't bring my camera since I can't take my own pics! LOL But one of my friends that was there took some...I'm just waiting for her to send them to me.

Thursday, January 11, 2007

35 weeks and appt

My appt today went well. A quick one. My bp was good, urine good. The h/b was 136. I lost half a pound this week but my belly grew, so that evens out I guess. My next NST is Friday. Starting at my next appt I will be having it twice a week. I will also have the Strep B culture done next week. I also start cervical checks next week!She also talked about what I should do if I go into labor. Yikes. It's really getting close! So my next appt is next week Wed.

I also found out why I'm having such horrible pain in my pelvis. Sometimes it's so bad I can barely walk. She said the head is way down in my pelvis and is resting right on my pelvic bone. No wonder it hurts!

I had to take off my ring this week. It's not horribly tight yet but I'm afraid of it getting too tight and then not being able to get it off, so I stopped wearing it for now.

My shower is this coming Sat. I'm looking forward to it! It should be fun. Also, the morning of the shower is the sibling class at the hospital for Ryan. It will be good for him so he can see where mommy will be staying.

It's getting closer!

Thursday, January 04, 2007

34 weeks and dr. appt

I now have 6 weeks left!!!!!

Not a whole lot has changed this past week. Just all the usual stuff....uncomfortable sleeping at night, tired, etc.

I gained a pound this week, so I'm slowly gaining. I haven't felt as nauseous this week so that's a plus!

We got a rocker/glider chair this weekend. It was supposed to go in the baby's room but it's too comfortable to put in there, so it's in the living room right now! LOL At least this way it will get used right now!

I had my dr's appt today. Everything is looking good. Blood pressure and weight are good. I'm measuring 31-32 cm and the h/b was 148. He is now head down so he's getting ready I think. He just needs to cook a little bit longer!

She said the u/s I had looked very good. My fluid is great and the placenta is definitely out of the way. He is measuring in the 3rd percentile, but has continously measured in the 3rd so she said it's not too concerning, since he's still growing along the curve. However, because of the fact that he is lower than the 5th percentile (the cutoff point) I am now having dr appts weekly and am now starting non stress tests. I will have a non stress test (NST) once a week for the next 2 weeks, then will have them twice a week. I had them with Ryan too..they are easy to do. I just hope this time one of them doesn't indicate a problem and I need to be what happened with Ryan!!

So I have to have my first one by this weekend and my next dr appt is next Wed. It's getting closer!!