Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Friday, December 29, 2006

33 week u/s pics

Here are the pics I promised. This one is his face...there's his eyes, nose, mouth, and to the left is his hand.

Here is another pic of his face, from profile view. It almost looks like he's sucking his hand.

Here is a pic of his foot (on the left) and his hand (on the right). He's grabbing his toes and playing!

Another u/s

I had an u/s today to check on growth and size. Of course, the tech can't tell me much so I have to wait to talk to the dr next week about it. (unless she calls before then). But he look good to me! And Kyle is STILL Kyle LOL Got a good pic of the goods LOL Actually, his hand was right by it and the tech laughed and said that's a typical boy thing!! LOL Got some other good to see him grab his foot and play with his toes. He was also opening and closing his mouth. His head is down near my pelvis, which would explain the pressure I feel there frequently. He's moving around a lot though so he's not in "position" or anything.I'm 33 weeks 1 day today and I'm measuring 30 weeks 3 almost 3 weeks behind. The dr usually gives about 14 days of error....and now I'm more than that. So I wouldn't be surprised if I received a call from her. I personally think all is ok and he's just small. He is weighing in at 3lbs 7 oz. To me that's just about right at 33 weeks.....Ryan was 4lb 15oz at 37 I think Kyle will be about 5lb at birth also. I do have pics but I haven't had a chance to upload them to the computer yet.

33 week appt

I had my appt actually was supposed to be a 32 week appt but because of the holidays it got a bit later. Ryan came with me this time and he did great. He was very well behaved.It went well. My bp is 109/74, which is a tad high for me but still not bad. I think I was a bit stressed since I had to take Ryan with me this time! LOL I gained 1 pound....not as good as they would like but not horrible either. Kyle's hb was 153 and he was moving around a lot. It took her a while to find it. LOL I'm measuring 31 cm, which is behind but not horrible. About the same as last time actually. I am having an u/s tomorrow to check for growth. Let's hope this time (since I'm having a reg. u/s at my hospital) they don't find an issue and send me up to Milwaukee for a level 2. I asked my dr about my issue with eating. She said it's pretty common and told me I could take Benedril, Pepto, or Dramamine, but I'm not too sure I want to take anything at this point. I can eat...just not as much as I would like to, and I feel like the first tri again....feel nauseous between meals. Anyway, she wants to review this at the next appt and see if she wants me on a prescription med. I hope not. I also asked about the spotting. She ended up doing a short exam to check my cervix to make sure that was ok. (interesting with Ryan there. LOL He wanted to go by the dr and see what she was looking at LOL I made him stay by my head and I made his cat give him kisses to distract him LOL)She said the spotting is being caused by some blood vessels on my cervix that are irritated. Nothing to worry about unless I start bleeding heavily like an af. So she wants to see me again next week. Not sure if I'm starting weekly visits already or if she just wanted to boost me up to next week because of the u/s and the nausea. I also realized how quick this is all coming up! I went to the store yesterday and saw Valentine's stuff already. YIKES!! Considering I'm due on Valentine's's coming up fast! LOL

Wednesday, December 27, 2006

33 weeks

I just looked at my ticker and it says I have 49 days left!!!! Holy cats!! Time is really flying. I still have so much to do yet...I'm starting to feel like I'm running out of time!!!

This week has been busy of course because of Christmas. Oh man am I feeling the busyness! I'm just exhausted! I can't seem to get motivated to do much currently, and even though I got a full night of sleep (minus getting up to pee several times) I feel like I haven't slept in days. Amazing how tired all this can make me!

I have only gained a half a pound this week...considering all the food I ate for Christmas. Though actually I didn't eat nearly as much as I normally do. Something I'll have to discuss with my dr. She wants me to gain 10 pounds, I don't think it's going to happen. I'm just not hungry most of the time, and feel nauseous frequently. I think I'm in the 1st tri again!!

I also have some spotting too that I need to discuss with my dr. It doesn't seem to be anything too's very little and brown, and just enough for a pantyliner. But something I should mention to her though.

Otherwise all seems to be going well. I have my next dr's appt today, so I will update with info later!

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

32 week belly pic

Here is my belly pic! I definitely feel bigger!

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32 weeks

Wow, this past week went fast. That was mainly because I was sick for most of it.

I was still sick on Friday, so I called my FP, who of course, was on vacation. Figures. So I called my OB and talked with Michelle, my RN I love so much! She told me that I had a sinus infection. Lovely. So she gave me antibiotics. Took a few days to kick in, but alass...I can finally breathe again!!! I finally feel normal again and can get back to normal activity!

As for my pregnancy goes, I have stayed the same weight as last week. Which is good, considering I was worried I was going to lose weight with being sick. I haven't had a very big appetite lately either.

We finally decided on a name! Woo hoo!!! Figured it was about time to commit to something, as we don't have a whole lot of time left. His name is Kyle Michael.

I'm also starting to feel pressure to get the nursery done! We still need to get the curtains up, get things on the walls, get a rocker/glider chair, and a dresser.

Kyle's been moving around a lot. Now he's not just in my pelvis as before...he's decided to move up a bit more so it's harder to breathe at times and hard to sit as he's resting in my ribs. Ah, the joys of kids! LOL

The invitations to my shower have been sent. It will be on Jan 13...I'm so excited!

I also signed Ryan up for the sibling class at the hospital. Go's also on Jan 13. So that will be a busy day! The sibling class in the morning, the shower in the afternoon.

I had some serious BH contractions this past weekend. Practically knocked me on my feet...seriously thought I was in labor at first. I timed them and they were I know it wasn't real labor. Freaked me out though. I rested and drank water and they went away.

Things are going well. My next appt is after Christmas. I'm supposed have my appt at 32 weeks but due to Christmas being in the way...I'll be 33 weeks. oh well.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

31 weeks

Not much to update since I just posted most of it in the appt post.

I lost half a pound because I'm sick. Really. sick.

I can't breathe through my all. Not just at night, but during the day too. It's really bad. I can't eat or sleep due to this either. And now I just tossed my cookies (if I even ate cookies). Nothing I've taken (what little I can take) has helped. I've tried Vicks vapor rub, a vaporizer, Sudafed (which I found out I can't take because it causes my heart to speed up). I'm absolutely miserable. I'm thinking of calling my family dr just to see what can be done.

So that's about it. Hard to enjoy the pg when I'm sick.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

30 week appt

I had my appt yesterday. I'm posting a bit late since I am sick, yet again, and didn't feel up to blogging.

First off, I was planning on taking Ryan with me this time. However, we both are sick and I didn't want to contaminate the OB's office any more than I have to, so I made an emergency phone call to my mom to babysit. Hopefully Ryan will go with me next time.

My blood pressure is good, 90/55 (normal for me). The baby's h/b was very good, 141, nice and strong and he even kicked the doppler. :) Urine sample was good and my white blood cell count is back up to normal (apparently it was elevated; who knew?). I passed the diabetes test and am not anemic. All good things.

My weight is good, though she wants to see me gain 10 more pounds by the end of the pregnancy. That's about a pound a week!! ouch. Considering I can barely contain more than soup right now that will be rough. It doesn't help that I don't have any cravings either.

I'm measuring 28 cm, which she said is good. The norm for 30 weeks I guess is 30 cm, and she said anything within 3 cm is considered normal, so she's happy that baby is growing.

I go back again in 2 weeks...which makes it Christmas. So my appt is actually a bit 32 week appt will actually be on Dec. 27, when I'm 33 weeks! LOL

I had asked about what I can take for this darn cold I have (I can't breathe through my nose at all at night, and quite frankly, I'm miserable...I miss NYQUIL!!!). She said Sudafed or Actifed, or Benedril.
So I picked up some Sudafed which is not doing much for me, plus is giving me heart palpatations. I've noticed when I take it my heart speeds up. Guess I can't take that either. blah.

Dh was so sweet last night. I was supposed to go to my MOPS meeting last night (it was our Christmas party meeting) but there was no way I could go feeling this way. So he went for me to drop off the 6 dozen cookies I had to make (technically dh made them this weekend...I told ya he was a sweetheart!), then he went to the store to get me a vaporizer so I could at least breathe. Such a sweetheart he is! :)

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

30 weeks

I am now 3/4 of the way through! Woo hoo! It's strange seeing my ticker in the 30's!

I'm doing better this week. I think my cold is finally gone...I still have a slight cough left, but it's not nearly as bad as before.

Dh put up the crib this past weekend. It really makes everything seem so real! I didn't put up the bedding yet though since it's still a bit early and I don't want it to get dirty or dusty, but it's a struggle to not put it on! I think dh plans on getting the closet doors this weekend and hopefully putting up the curtains. Then we just need the rest of the furniture!

I gained 2 pounds this week! Most of it probably from the Christmas banquet at church I went to a few days ago. I ate so much I thought I was going to puke!

My winter coat no longer zips up, so my mom let me borrow one of her coats! So now I finally have a coat I can wear for the next 2 months! With the kind of weather we have been having, I need it!

This coming Sat I will be going to a breastfeeding class! I'm looking forward to it. I'm really hoping to be able to do it this time around. Last time wasn't successful, for a variety of reasons.

Only 10 more weeks to go!