Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

11 weeks

Not too much longer and I'm through the first trimester!!! woo hoo!! It's going so fast!!
I am still at the same weight as last week. I'm surprised I didn't gain any weight...but at the same time I'm not because I still get nautious...especially in the afternoons. Last night I couldn't even eat dinner. I ended up eating a sandwich at 9pm! My belly has grown grew half an inch since last week! I can no longer button my jeans!!!

I'm still feeling exhaustion and fatigue. Could have something to do with the weather's been pretty warm. At least I'm in the first tri during the summer; not like last time where I was in the 3rd tri during summer!!!

My dr called me this morning. My urine test came back positive for a bacteria infection, so I have to go in to the office this afternoon to pick up a prescription for a med. Luckily she has a sample for me so I dont' have to purchase it. We can't afford a pricey precription at the moment. She said I can't BD for the next 4 days while on this. (I only take this once, but it's in my system for up to 4 days). We are having a difficult time BDing anyway due to the progesterone. So I'm not too worried. Speaking of the progesterone, only about another 2 weeks or so left of that!! woo hoo!! Can't wait until I'm done with that!!

I'm still working on baby names. I'm up to the "S's" for girls names.

We are also in the process of finding someone to renovate the third bedroom for us. It will eventually become the nursery. We want to tear out the paneling in there and put up dry wall. Bob normally can do handywork, but he's never done dry wall..and it can be a bit touchy, so he'd rather have someone do it. We have someone in mind (through a friend) who can do it at a discount...but it's a matter of getting in touch with him at the moment. I need to work on finding a nursery theme I like, and start a list of things I will need for the baby.

Things are coming along!!!

Friday, July 21, 2006

My First prenatal appt!

It went GREAT!!!!

I finally got to see Michelle, the nurse I had been working with on the phone since I first started clomid back in Oct! I've seen her before, but we had been conversing on the phone so much that it was nice to see her in person! LOL She was so excited for me was so sweet!

Anyway, my blood pressure is good, all my vitals are good, got the big folder full of info, the cup I need to pee in for next time, etc. I had the standard urine test, pap and pelvic, and they took 4 viles of blood for the HIV/AIDS test and I don't even know what else. LOL She gave me the list of tests but I don't remember now what they were. All the standard tests.

She couldn't find the h/b on the doppler so she did a t/v u/s to make sure all was ok. I breathed a sigh of relief as I got to see my baby again and the heart beating!!! She's starting to look like a real baby can see the head, arms, and legs forming!! I'm measuring 9 weeks 5 days (4 days behind...which is EXACTLY dead on for when I O'd) but she's not changing my due date yet unless I measure more than that. I'm still due Valentine's day.

I inquired about my concerns about PPD...since I had it pretty severe last time. She said I had two choices (and we will discuss more in detail later on in the pg). I could just not do anything and the nurse would call me frequently to make sure all was ok, or go on antidepressants directly after birth for 6-8 months. I have to think about it. Not sure what I want to do yet. I've got time.

I also found out they have a sibling class that Ryan can go to. They take the kids to the birthing center to show where mommy will be, show the babies, and things like that to better aquaint them with the process. I think that will be great for Ryan.

I have no cramping, no bleeding....and all looks great! She also said she will monitor me closely throughout pregnancy because of my previous pregnancy...I had some complications with Ryan. I had to be induced with Ryan because placenta was disintegrating and Ryan wasn't growing properly. She also said I most likely will have another small baby...just due to genetics. I can't imagine having a 10 pounder LOL

It was a great appt! I go back again in 4 weeks. I really feel everything is going to be ok.

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

10 weeks

I'm now 10 weeks!! It's going so fast! Though I can't wait to be out of the first trimester...the fatigue and m/s are killing me.

New this week....exhaustion, exhaustion, exhaustion. Not new...but man, I can't get over how tired I am. I can barely get out of bed in the morning, night time I'm about to fall asleep by 9pm, and yesterday I even had to go to my parents house so they could watch Ryan for an hour so I could sleep!! Can't wait until I get more energy again. Of course, the hot temps don't help much either.

I have learned something new this week--I can't relax on the fiber!! LOL I stopped eating the fiber bars because I felt so good over the weekend. Big mistake...I paid for it the past few days. So I'm back to eating the fiber bars every morning!

All my symptoms are still pretty much the same....though the exhaustion seems more prominant this week.

I lost half a pound again. I thought for sure I'd gained since I ate like a pig this weekend...been eating a lot of higher calorie foods (ice cream, know, stuff that's not as good for me but tastes so good!).

I have my first OB appt on Friday!! Finally!!! I KNOW I'm pg, I feel the symptoms, I saw the h/b and baby, my clothes are getting tighter, but it won't feel real I think until I see my dr. Can't wait for it! I'm not taking Ryan to this appt since if I remember right they do a pap and all that fun stuff at the first appt. He doesn't need to see that. LOL

I've also started going through the baby name book this week. I'm looking at girls first (of course!!). I've gotten through to the "G's" so far. I still have the list from when we were picking names for far I've pretty much picked the same ones. My taste hasn't changed much.
I haven't been too gung ho about planning for the baby/pregnancy yet...been too tired and sick to do much. I know I'll get alot done in the second tri though. Just a few more weeks.....
Otherwise all is good!!

Oh yeah, and please pray for my friend from MOPs that I mentioned last week who is only 2 weeks behind me. Her dr is a bit concerned about the size of her uterus and they are doing blood tests to check her levels....she's had a blighted ovum I hope and pray all is ok with this one.

Wednesday, July 12, 2006

9 weeks

I'm now 9 weeks!!! I've hit my milestone!!! I feel very relieved now that it's finally here and now I can breathe!! I was 9 weeks when I m/c last time....and this time, I'm now 9 weeks, have no spotting, no cramping, still have all those symptoms, including sore bbs, nausea, fatigue, etc. I'm very confident that all is going to be ok! You have no idea how much of a relief and weight off my shoulders that is!!!

Different things this week:

I finally got rid of the pesky constipation by eating more fruit, and eating the Fiber bars Colleen gave the recipe for. I eat one every morning and it works like a charm! I'm so happy to be feeling better!

Of course, I had the u/s last week and all looks GREAT! Saw the h/b and baby...and all looks good. I have been feeling nautious on and off....Monday was a bad day...I felt sick ALL day...but today I've been fine. It's strange how that works.

I think I'm getting shorts are too tight on me pair I can't even get past my hips!!! LOL My jeans still fit but when I sit down I have to unbutton them.
I am still at the same weight change this month. Could be due to the m/s I've been having. It was the same with Ryan too.

I am now starting to look up nursery themes/bedding. I have about 10 different ones I like. I'm looking up both boys and girls...but I have my heart set on girl stuff LOL I'm now referring to baby as "she".

My dr just called me and told me to stay on progesterone until 12 weeks. She freaked me out though when she called because I thought there was a problem with the u/s!! Thank goodness she said all looks good...she just wants to me stay on the progesterone. Phew!

At my MOPS meeting on Monday the coordinator told us that she is also pg!! She is only 2 weeks behind me!! It will be fun to be pg together! how very exciting!

I'm still enjoying every second of this...even the days I'm not feeling well. Because I know it's all for a good cause...I'd much rather be nautious and constipated than go through the pain and heartache of ttc and getting af month after month. I'm so very very lucky to be pg...I'm carrying a little miracle inside....and I will never take that for granted. I LOVE being pg!!! :D

Thursday, July 06, 2006

We have a heartbeat!!

OMG!!! I'm so so excited!!

I wasn't too sure I would be able to find out....since when I first asked the tech she told me she couldn't give me ANY info because she is just a tech and isn't a if something were wrong she legally can't tell me anything. I was upset about that and figured I'd have to wait 2 weeks for my dr appt to find out if all is ok.

But then we did the t/v and she turned the screen toward me and said we have a heartrate. I saw the beating heart and the small baby!! She wouldn't tell me what the rate was, but at least I got see the h/b!!

I'm measuring about 7 and a half weeks....exactly what FF told me. I'm dead on according to when I ovulated!!

All is looking great so far!!!!!!!

Praise God!!! Now I can start planning things!! LOL
Here is the pic.....she didn't get a very clear pic of the's the triangular looing thing in the middle of the black. LOL

8 week belly pic

Here is my 8 week belly already. I think most of it is probably bloating, but I feel pretty fat already! Hope this doesn't mean I'll gain 50 pounds or anything!

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Wednesday, July 05, 2006

8 weeks sure seems to be going fast.

I only got sick that one time.....I'm pretty sure it was what I ate. But today I've been pretty nautious all morning. I'm feeling better now, but it was touch and go for a while.

I'm still peeing constantly (I'm going to die at the u/s), still have sore bbs, and all my other symptoms.

I've been craving unhealthy foods this time around. I'm finding it so difficult to eat fruits and healthy foods for some reason. I have to force myself to eat well. I'd much rather eat chips than an apple...but I try to force myself to do it. I don't want to gain 50 lbs!!

I gained a lb this week....I'm back to my original weight now from when I first found out I was pg. My waist and belly still measure the same...but my belly definitely has gotten bigger. (I posted a pic in General pg forum). I think it's mainly bloating...I feel fat. I can't wait until I actually start looking pg! My jeans still fit fine (though they were big on me to begin with anyway), but when I wear shorter shirts you can see the little bulge. I hope it's not too hot of a summer because I discovered I can't fit into my shorts. I guess I'd have to break out my maternity shorts if it gets too hot. LOL

This week is a very scary week for me. So far, every pregnancy I've had, during the 8th weeks something drastic happens. With Ryan, Bob lost his job when I was 8 weeks pg. The last pg I found out I had a blighted ovum and had to have a D&C. So what will happen this time? I'm very scared this week. Even more scared as I have my u/s tomorrow. I'm excited....but scared out of my mind. I just want to get it over with so I can move on...either enjoy the pg or......

If all goes well, I will start getting Ryan involved. I was told by a friend of mine that I should get Ryan involved...have him help choose things for the baby and choose a name and take him the u/s, etc. (not this one in case things aren't right). That way it becomes "his baby" too and he feels he's a part of it. Hopefully then there won't be any jealousy. I think it's a great idea.

Wish me luck tomorrow. I will post an update after the appt.

Monday, July 03, 2006

New experience

Ok...I just had my very first experience with morning sickness. Yes, that's right. I lost my dinner tonight. First time that has ever happened.
I had been feeling nautious for a while....but never actually threw up before. Until tonight. I think it was the speghetti and garlic bread that didn't agree with me.
I hope this isn't a trend.

Feeling fat

It's true when they say with subsequent pregnancies you start showing earlier. I'm not even 8 weeks yet and I'm showing jeans are getting tight...and I can tell I'm bloated. I really don't "look" pregnant....I look fat. I can't wait until I get past the "looking fat" stage and get to the "looking pregnant" stage.

I will post a picture on Wed when I'm 8 weeks.

My u/s is this Thursday. People have been asking me if I'm excited. To be honest, I'm really not. I'm scared. The closer it gets, the more scared I become. With what happened last time (had an u/s at 8 weeks with my last pg and there wasn't a h/b....there wasn't even a baby) I'm terrified of it happening again.

Not to mention I'm really not looking forward to drinking all that water and not being able to pee. I can barely handle it when my bladder is a quarter this is going to be painful. And I hate drinking that much water. ick.

I'm looking forward to the u/s being then if all goes well, I can finally feel really happy about this pg.