Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, August 31, 2006

16 week belly pic

Here is my latest belly pic!! I've definitely popped out!!

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16 weeks

So a lot has happened this past week.

I haven't been feeling well. I've been having some issues with pain this week...pain I've never had before.
I get a horrible squeezing type feeling in my someone kicked me in the stomach. It happens every time I'm active (the other day all I did was do dishes and make dinner and I was on the couch laying down for 2 hours afterwards). It lasts for 3-5 hours and the only way I can get rid of it is by laying down. I've also had a bit of nausea and diarhea here and there. Not good.

I also am having some leg cramps. I'm wondering with that though if the baby is just laying on my nerves for my leg or something..because even tylenol isn't doing anything for that.

This pregnancy is so different than my was so easy with Ryan, and he turned out to be a very easy child. I'm getting a little scared already with this one!! If the pg is getting harder, I can only imagine what this child's personality is going to be like!! LOL

I haven't gained any more weight.....I haven't been very hungry. But my belly definitely grew. I will post a pic shortly.

I also started wearing maternity clothes this week! I can't fit into most of my regular clothes anymore, so I just brought out my maternity now. It's much more comfortable!

We hope to be starting work on the nursery pretty soon. We need to tear out the panaling and put up dry wall. Hope to start that this weekend.

I have a dr's appt tomorrow....I will have my triple screen test done (simple blood test) and will discuss about the pain I'm having. Hoping it's nothing. Hopefully I can schedule my big u/s soon! I can't wait to find out if I'm having a boy or girl!

Thursday, August 24, 2006

15 weeks

Well, so much for feeling great!!

I started feeling nausea once again a few days ago. I'm a bit better now, but still don't have a big appetite, and nothing really appeals to me food-wise. I really only eat because I know I "have" to.

I have been having horrible stomach pain the last few days. The only way I can describe it- it feels like a rubber band wrapped around my stomach and squeezing the insides. I can barely get off the couch. Seems to happen the most after I've been active. Dr. told me it can be one of 3 things....ligaments stretching, stomach bug, or dehydration. She told me to drink tons of liquids (I literally think I'm going to float away right now) and to lay down as much as possible. Yeah right. Laying down is nearly impossible with a very active almost 4 yr old! Yesterday afternoon I tried to lay down on the couch, and from getting up every 10 minutes to pee from the gallons of water I'm forced to drink, and getting up every 5 minutes because Ryan needed something...I didn't get much resting done.

My weight is still the same....but I'm not surprised...I haven't had much of an appetite this week.

No clothes are comfortable I'm starting to wear maternity. It's a little big yet, but it's comfortable.

Friday, August 18, 2006

14 week appt

My appt went really well today! Ryan and Bob came with me. Ryan got a lollipop so he was happy.

My bp was good, weight is good. I gained 1 pound.

Baby's h/b was 155 and she found it right away. She checked the size of my uterus and where it was and all looks great.

My tests from last time came back fine. I have negative blood type (which I already knew) so I will have Rhogam later on in the pg. All tests for diseases (HIV and such) all negative (which I already knew too). My urine was fine except for that bacteria infection I had a few weeks ago. They had me do another sterile sample to make sure it's taken care of.

I go back in 2 weeks because I have the triple screen tests (for birth defects) they have to do at week 16. Then I will go back in 4 weeks again after that.

I didn't see my favorite nurse this time, but that's ok.

All is well!

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

14 weeks

Not a whole lot new this week. I'm starting to feel nautious again after lasts for a few hours in the afternoon and then I'm fine. Everything else is pretty much the same as last week.

I lost half a pound from last week. It's strange because I feel like I'm eating like a pig...and am not always eating the healthy foods (I try), yet I'm not gaining nearly as much as I did with Ryan. Not yet anyway.

I washed all my maternity clothes and have them out. I'm pretty sure I will be in them shortly. The size 8's I am in now are starting to get a little tight.

Still no big cravings yet. Though I've been wanting donuts for a while now...Just haven't gone out to get them. I've been wanting more of the sugary not so good for you treats instead of the healthy ones. I've been trying to be good though. :)

My next appt is this Friday. I'm looking forward to it..I should be able to hear the heartbeat!
I've been thinking about my baby shower too. Trying to figure out when to have it and where. Got some planning to do!

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

13 weeks

I'm officially in the second trimester!!! woo hoo!! I made it! I can now firmly believe I will have a baby in Feb!

I'm feeling good these days. Nausea has left the building. Finally. Fatigue actually has been better too...I only get tired now if I have done too much. Such as State Fair this past weekend. I spent the whole next day recovering. My bbs aren't as sore. In fact, I barely feel pregnant at all. If it wasn't for the growing belly, I don't think I would believe I was still pg.

A new symptom though this week. I have had an increase in sex drive! Dh is liking that! haha We'll see how long that lasts though.

No big cravings yet. I'm sure that's to come though.

We finally got in touch with the guy who will be remodeling the nursery. He will be taking out the paneling and putting up dry wall. After that I can paint and put in carpet...after we find out what we are having of course. :)

I gained a pound and a half this week!! Holy moly! I don't gain anything and now in one week it's a pound and a half! I think my belly grew a bit too. I feel bigger. I'm still on size 8' maternity clothes yet. Give me about a month and I'm sure I'll be there!

Thursday, August 03, 2006

12 week belly pic

Here is my belly pic for 12 weeks!! Not showing much but I definitely see a difference!!

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12 weeks

Ok..I'm a day late on posting this. But better late than never!!

1 more week and I'm in the second tri! Also 1 more week left of the progesterone supplements!!! woo hoo!! I can't wait to stop taking those!!

I'm up to my original weight again. So I'm at the same weight I was pre-pregnancy. My belly has definitely gotten bigger this week too...I'm now in size 8, and you can definitely see I'm showing a bit.

Nausea is becoming less and less. Only about twice a week now. I'm glad to be feeling better! Also not as tired too....and I haven't been sleeping well the last few nights...I have a feeling I'll have insomnia again during the second tri. I had that with Ryan.

I've lost a few more sore bbs, nausea (for the most part), fatigue...I'm starting to feel more normal again. I'm also starting to get more hungry! I'm sure I'll be finally gaining some weight soon.

I've finished going through the name book and have all the names written down that I like. Now dh just needs to go through it to let me know what he likes and we can narrow it down. I have also gone through nursery themes...I have that narrowed down to 4 girl themes and 3 boy themes.

Everything is progressing well! I'm getting more excited now! I have also started getting Ryan more involved. I've asked him to come up with a name for the baby. I most likely won't use his suggestions since they aren't even words that he comes up with!! LOL But he enjoys trying to come up with names. There is also a Blues Clues special on this Sunday where Blue is getting a baby brother. So that will be great for him to watch!

Things are great!