Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker

Thursday, November 30, 2006

29 weeks

I'm definitely starting to feel the effects of 3rd tri!

I'm more tired this week. Though I think that's partially due to the fact that I haven't been sleeping that well recently. I have a horrible cough that seems the worst at night, so if I'm not in the bathroom peeing, I'm hacking up a lung! Speaking of coughing and peeing, I can't wait for this cough to go away, as every time I cough hard, yep, you guessed it, incontrollable bladder!!! yikes. I had forgotten about that part of pregnancy!

And surprise...I actually lost half a pound this week! I can't quite figure out why either, as I had tons of food during Thanksgiving. Very strange. I'm sure it will catch up with me though.

Baby has been moving around quite a bit. Ryan put his hand on my belly and felt the baby kick, though I'm not too sure he knows he felt it! LOL He kept asking "did it kick?" But he loves to try. He also has been giving my belly hugs and kisses a lot and telling his baby brother "I love you baby!". It's just the sweetest thing and makes me want to cry!

The nursery is almost done! We finished the walls and windows and and got new carpeting installed this week. All that is left to do in the room is install new closet doors, put up the window valances and curtains, and put in furniture and decor! I'm so excited! I will post pics when it's completed!

I'm pretty sure on a name now (which I'm not telling yet until I'm definite on it) but we still have the rest of the baby book to go through. But I'm sure it's going to be this one particular name.

I got the results from my glucose test...and of course, I passed! woo hoo! I knew I would. I also got the rhogam shot on Tues. The shot itself wasn't so the hip and over in 5 seconds (though it stung for those 5 seconds). It was the after affects that hip hurt pretty bad the rest of the day and I couldn't sleep on that side that night! Ah well. It's ok now and it was what I had to do.

All in all it's been a good week...other than the cough. I hope it goes away soon because it makes it hard to really enjoy things.

Monday, November 27, 2006

28 week appt

My appt went very well today!

My blood pressure was a little on the higher side for me, but still very much in the normal range. I have very low blood pressure to begin with, so it wasn't very high anyway!

The baby's h/b was 144. It took her a few minutes to find it though because little one kept moving around! He even kicked the doppler a few times! Fiesty little one! heehee

The dr. was very happy to see I gained weight. I also measured at 26-27 cm which I guess is good. She said I'm starting to catch up! woo hoo!

Everything looks good. I go back again in 2 now I'm officially starting my 2 week appts!

I also got the 1 hr glucose test done. I had to drink that icky orange stuff and wait an hour to get blood drawn. I came prepared with a book to read while waiting! I also have to get the Rhogam shot. They took the blood and will call me when the shot is ready, which should be tomorrow.
I'll get the results of the glucose in the next few days.

All is looking good and it's going so fast!

Wednesday, November 22, 2006

28 week belly pic

Here is my 28 week pic!

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28 weeks

Officially in the 3rd trimester!! woo hoo!!! It won't be long now! I have anywhere from 9-12 weeks to go! I'm already preparing that if this one is anything at all like Ryan was, it will be about 9 weeks! I still have so much to do!

Not much has changed since last week. I'm feeling more tired again. I'm still not that hungry and most food to me doesn't look appetizing.
However, I did gain another pound this week.

Ryan has been doing great with everything. Yesterday he gave my belly a hug and said "I love you baby." It was the sweetest thing!

Tomorrow (Thanksgiving) will be the first time I have seen my family (brothers and SIL) since I was about 20 weeks. I'm sure I will get some comments about the growing belly. LOL

Belly pic will be coming in the next few days!

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

27 weeks

Things seem to be moving really fast! One more week and I'm already in the 3rd trimester! Woo hoo! After 2 years of infertility it's hard sometimes to believe it's really happening.

I'm still feeling good. No major issues so all is good that way. I haven't heard from the dr so I guess all is fine there too. My next appt isn't until after Thanksgiving. I will have all the lovely stuff then...the glucose test and the Rhogam shot.
I think it will be fun this year during the holidays! I've never been pg during the holidays before. I figured I will be 28 weeks at Thanksgiving and about 32 weeks at Christmas. Good thing it's not my year to hand out the gifts! With Ryan I got pg in Feb and had him in Oct., so I skipped over all the major holidays. Though it was nice to have Ryan here with us at Christmas.

Ryan has had a cough all week, and now I've got it. It's rather annoying but I don't think it's anythin serious. If I still have it when I have my dr's appt I will ask about it.

I've only gained half a pound this week. The grand total being 11 pounds so far!

The nursery is coming along nicely. Dh has been working on the trim and he put up a ceiling fan/light. I ordered the carpet and that should be here in about 2 weeks.

Dh and I were just talking about how this pg is so different from Ryan. With Ryan I had all the major symptoms, had cravings, etc. This time around everything seems to be the opposite. I haven't had hardly any cravings, I'm barely hungry. It's just so different. But still good. :)

I give all the credit to the Lord. I still thank Him everyday for the blessings He has given me. I never forget that He is the one that allowed this to happen. I am truly blessed. Anything and everything is possible with God. :)

Wednesday, November 08, 2006

26 weeks

I know I missed last week. There really wasn't much to report!

I'm doing well. It's getting more difficult to get a decent night of sleep though. I'm up several times a night to go to the bathroom, and I'm finding it more difficult to get comfortable in bed. So I've been tired many mornings now!

Still no big cravings. In fact, most of the time I'm just not hungry for anything. I get hungry, but I just don't know what I want and end up either not eating or just eating something to just "settle". I still don't feel as hungry as I did with my first pg.

I did gain 2 pounds this week! I'm up to 10.5 pounds total so far. Hard to look at that scale! LOL

My belly has definitely grown quite a bit recently. I'm finding it harder to shave, bend over, or put my socks on!

I feel him moving around a lot! His kicks are getting stronger. He likes to sit mainly in my pelvis, and likes to put pressure on my bladder. Lovely! LOL

I had another u/s with a peri this past week. My dr was concerned because he still is measuring small. But the peri basically said I have no reason to see him. The baby is measuring fine...small but still in the normal range. Weighing 1lb 9oz and in the 30th percentile. I think that's pretty good. That's what Ryan is the 30th percentile! So no worries I think.

No decision on a name yet. We are avoiding the topic at the moment. We can't agree on a name.

I also got my guest list ready for the baby shower and have registered! I registered at Target and Amazon. It was so much fun to do!

All is looking good so far! Only 2 more weeks and I'll be in the 3rd tri already!! It's going really fast!!